スタッフ紹介 佐藤 慎一

高嶋 礼詩

総合学術博物館 准教授






  1. Quidelleur, X., Paquette,J. L., Fiet, N., Takashima, R., Tiepolo, M., Desmares, D., Nishi, H., Grosheny, D. 2011. New U-Pb (ID-TIMS and LA-ICPMS) and 40Ar/39Ar geochronological constraints of the Cretaceous geologic time scale calibration from Hokkaido (Japan). Chemical Geology, 286 72-83.
  2. Takashima, R., Nishi, H., Yamanaka, T., Tomosugi, T., Fernando, A.G., Tanabe, K., Moriya, K., Kawabe, F., Hayashi, K., 2011. Prevailing oxic environments in the Pacific Ocean during the mid-Cretaceous Oceanic Anoxic Event 2. Nature Communications, 2:2341DO:10.1038/ncomms1233.
  3. 小城祐樹・小松俊文・岩本忠剛・高嶋礼詩・高橋 修.西 弘嗣,2011. 天草上島東部に分布する上部白亜系姫浦層群の層序と詳細な地質年代.地質学雑誌,第117巻,第7号,398-416.
  4. 林 圭一・西 弘嗣・高嶋礼詩・友杉貴茂・川辺文久,2011.北海道中央南部に露出する上部白亜系の地質と有孔虫層序.地質学雑誌,第117巻,第1号,14-34.
  5. Takashima, R., Nishi, H., Yamanaka, T., Hayashi, K., Waseda, A., Obuse, A., Tomosugi, T., Deguchi, N., Mochizuki, S., 2010. High-resolution terrestrial carbon isotope and planktic foraminiferal records of the Upper Cenomanian to the Lower Campanian in the Northwest Pacific. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, vol. 289. 570-582.
  6. Fernando, A. G., Takashima, R., Nishi, H., Giraud, F., Okada, H., 2010. Calcareous nannofossil biostratigraphy of the Thomel Level (OAE 2) in the Lambruisse section, Vocontian Basin, southeast France. Geobios, vol. 43, 45-57.
  7. Takashima, R., Nishi, H., Hayashi, K., Okada, H., Kawahata, H., Yamanaka, T., Fernando, A. G., Mampuku, M., 2009. Litho-, bio- and chemostratigraphy across the Cenomanian/Turonian boundary(OAE2) in the Vocontian Basin of southeastern France. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology,Vol. 273, p. 61-74.
  8. Komatsu, T., Naruse, H., Manabe, M., Tsuihiji, T., Ikegami, N., Takashima, R., 2009. Cretaceous non-marine and shallow marine facies and fossils in western Kumamoto, Kyushu, Japan. Field Excursion Guidebook, 4th International Symposium, IGCP507, Paleoclimates of the Cretaceous in Asia and their global correlation. 59 p.
  9. Okano, K., Sawada, K., Takashma, R., Nishi, H., Okada, H., 2008. Further examples of archael-derived hydrocarbons in mid-Cretaceous Oceanic Anoxic Event (OAE) 1b sediments. Organic Geochemistry.
  10. 西弘嗣・高嶋礼詩,2008.第4章:新生代の海洋環境と気候変動―海洋の長周期変動―,沢田健ほか編「地球の変動と生物進化―新・自然史科学II―」.p.67-96. 北海道大学出版会,札幌.
  11. Takashima, R., Dick, M. H., Nishi, H., Mawatari, S. F., Nojo, A., Hirose, M., Gautam, P., Nakamura, K., Tanaka, T., 2008. Geology and sedimentary environments of the Pleistocene Setana Formation in the Kuromatsunai District, Southwestern Hokkaido, Japan. In H. Okada, S. F. Mawatari, N. Suzuki and P. Gautam (eds.), Origin and Evolution of Natural Diversity, Proc. Int. Symp. “The Origin and Evolution of Natural Diversity”, 1-5 October 2007, Sapporro, pp. 75-82.
  12. Gautam, P., Takashima, R., Dick, M.H., Kanamatsu, T., Rijal, M.L., Nishi H. and Mawatari, S.F., 2008. Rockmagnetic characterization of the Setana and Chiraigawa Formations in SW Hokkaido (Soebetsu River, Kuromatsunai). In H. Okada, S. F. Mawatari, N. Suzuki and P. Gautam (eds.), Origin and Evolution of Natural Diversity, Proc. Int. Symp. “The Origin and Evolution of Natural Diversity”, 1-5 October 2007, Sapporro, pp. 101-107.
  13. Ishimura T., Dick, M.H., Takashima, R., Hirose, M., Gautam, P., Nishi, H. and Tsunogai, U., 2008. Experimental study of the use of the stable isotopic composition of calcareous microfossils in shallow marine sediments for reconstructing paleoenvironment, and a comparison with the MART index. In H. Okada, S. F. Mawatari, N. Suzuki and P. Gautam (eds.), Origin and Evolution of Natural Diversity, Proc. Int. Symp. “The Origin and Evolution of Natural Diversity”, 1-5 October 2007, Sapporro, pp. 109-114.
  14. Komatsu, T., Yoshihara, K., Dick M. H., Takashima, R., Ostrovsky, A., and Nishi, H., 2008. Habitats of Bivalves in the Lower-Cretaceous Aptian Tanohata and Aptian to Albian Hiraiga Formations, Iwate Prefecture, Northeastern Japan. In H. Okada, S. F. Mawatari, N. Suzuki and P. Gautam (eds.), Origin and Evolution of Natural Diversity, Proc. Int. Symp. “The Origin and Evolution of Natural Diversity”, 1-5 October 2007, Sapporro, pp. 163-170.
  15. Dick, M. H., Hirose, M., Takashima, R., Ishimura, T., Nishi, H. and Mawatari, S. F., 2008. Application of MART Analysis to Infer Paleoseasonality in a Pleistocene Shallow Marine Benthic Environment. In H. Okada, S. F. Mawatari, N. Suzuki and P. Gautam (eds.), Origin and Evolution of Natural Diversity, Proc. Int. Symp. “The Origin and Evolution of Natural Diversity”, 1-5 October 2007, Sapporro, pp. 83-91.
  16. Dick, M. H., Takashima, R., Komatsu, T., Kaneko, N., Mawatari, S. F., 2008. Overview of Pleistocene Bryozoans in Japan. In H. Okada, S. F. Mawatari, N. Suzuki and P. Gautam (eds.), Origin and Evolution of Natural Diversity, Proc. Int. Symp. “The Origin and Evolution of Natural Diversity”, 1-5 October 2007, Sapporro, pp. 93-99.
  17. Okano, K., Sawada, K., Takashima, R., Nishi, H. and Okada, H., 2008. Depositional Environments Revealed From Biomarkers in Sediments Deposited During the Mid-Cretaceous Oceanic Anoxic Events (OAEs) in the Vocontian Basin (SE France). In H. Okada, S. F. Mawatari, N. Suzuki and P. Gautam (eds.), Origin and Evolution of Natural Diversity, Proc. Int. Symp. “The Origin and Evolution of Natural Diversity”, 1-5 October 2007, Sapporro, pp. 233-238.
  18. Yamamura, M., Kawahata, H., Matsumoto, K., Takashima, R., Nishi, H., 2007, Paleoceanography of the northwestern Pacific during the Albian. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, vol. 254, p. 477-491.
  19. Takashima, R., Sano, S., Iba, Y., Nishi, H., 2007. The first Pacific record of the Late Aptian warming. Journal of the Geological Society, London, vol. 164, p. 333-339.
  20. Ostrovsky, A. N., Takashima, R., Dick, M. H., Grischenko, A. V., Nishi, H. and Mawatari, S. F., 2006, First finding of a Cretaceous cheilostome bryozoan from Hokkaido, Japan. Cretaceous Research, vol. 27, p. 859-862.
  21. Takashima, R., Coccioni, R., Nishi, H. and Hayashi, K., 2007. Mid-Cretaceous Oceanic Anoxic Events recorded in SE France and central Italy. Journal of the Geological Society of Japan vol. 113, p. iii-iv.
  22. Takashima, R., Nishi, H., Huber, B. and Leckie, M., 2006. Greenhouse world and the Mesozoic ocean. Oceanography, vol. 19,82-92.
  23. Fernando, A. G. S., Okada, H., Nishi, H., Takashima, R., 2006. Use of a microdrill for high stratigraphical resolution calcareous nannofossil analysis, and a modified filtration method. Journal of Nannoplankton Research,vol. 28, p. 85-87.
  24. Takashima, R., Nishi, H. and Yoshida, T., 2006, Late Jurassic-Early Cretaceous intra-arc sedimentation and volcanism linked to plate motion change in northern Japan. Geological Magazine, vol. 143, p. 753-770.
  25. Takashima, R., Gautam, P. and Nishi, H., 2006, Recent Advances in Research on Terrestrial and Marine sequences from the mid-Cretaceous Oceanic Anoxic Events (OAEs). Scientific Drilling, no. 2. p. 50-51.
  26. 西 弘嗣・高嶋礼詩,ヒマラヤ山脈のテクトニクスと東アジアの古環境・古気候の変動.石油技術協会誌,2005年1月,70巻,p. 6-14.
  27. 高嶋礼詩,2005, テクトニクスと無酸素環境.月刊海洋,37巻,p. 881-885.
  28. Takashima, R., Kawabe, F., Nishi, H., Moriya, K., Wani, R. and Ando, H., 2004, Geology and stratigraphy of forearc basin sediments in Hokkaido, Japan: Cretaceous environmental events on the Northwest Pacific margin. Cretaceous Research, vol. 25, p. 365-390.
  29. Kawabe, F., Takashima, R., Wani, R., Moriya, K. and Nishi, H., 2003, Biostratigraphy of the Upper Albian to Lower Cenomanian in Oyubari, Hokkaido, Japan: implications for the Cretaceous biochronology in the North Pacific. Acta Geologica Polonica, vol. 53, p. 81-91.
  30. Nishi, H., Takashima, R., Hatsugai, T., Saito, T., Moriya, K., Ennyu, A. and Sakai, T., 2003, Planktonic foraminiferal zonation in the Cretaceous Yezo Group, Central Hokkaido, Japan. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, vol. 21, p. 867-886.
  31. Ando, A., Kakegawa, T., Takashima, R. and Saito, T., 2003, Stratigraphic carbon isotope fluctuations of detrital woody materials during the Aptian Stage in Hokkaido, Japan: Comprehensive δ13C data from four sections of the Ashibetsu area. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, vol. 21, p. 835-847.
  32. Takashima, R., Hiroshi, N. and Yoshida, T., 2002, Geology, petrology and tectonic setting of the Late Jurassic ophiolite in Hokkaido, Japan. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, vol. 21, p. 197-215.
  33. Ando, A., Kakegawa, T. and Takashima, R. and Saito, T., 2002, A new perspective on Aptian carbon isotope stratigraphy: Constraints from δ13C records of terrestrial organic matter. Geology, vol. 30, p. 227-230.
  34. 高嶋礼詩・宮本義憲・西 弘嗣・吉田武義,2002,東京大学北海道演習林地域に分布する中生界空知層群および蝦夷層群の層序と地質.東京大学演習林報告,108号, p. 57-76.
  35. 折橋祐二・酒井治孝・高嶋礼詩,2002,中央ネパール,シワリーク帯のDwar Khola ドレライト(1.7Ga)の岩石化学的特徴,月刊地球,24巻,p. 272-278.
  36. 長谷川 卓・西 弘嗣・岡田尚武・坂本竜彦・Luc Beaufort・Fabianne Giraud・Oliver Friedrich・古川麻里子・川幡穂高・大河内直彦・高嶋礼詩・黒柳あずみ・山村 充・勝田長貴,2002,白亜紀の海洋無酸素事変(OAE1b)の高分解能解析,月刊地球, 24巻, p. 454-460.
  37. 高嶋礼詩・吉田武義・西 弘嗣,2001,北海道夕張-芦別地域に分布する空知,蝦夷層群の地質と堆積環境—北海道の後期中生代テクトニクス—.地質学雑誌,107巻,p. 359-378.
  38. 西 弘嗣・高嶋礼詩・初貝隆行・圓入敦仁・斎藤常正・酒井利彰,2000,北海道に分布する蝦夷層群の浮遊性有孔虫化石帯区分.化石, No. 68,p. 17-18.
  39. Matsumoto T., Takashima R. & Hasegawa K., 2000, Some turrilitid ammonoids from the mid-Cretaceous of the Shuparo Valley, central Hokkaido. Bulletin of the Mikasa City Museum, Natural Science, No 14. p. 1-17.
  40. 高嶋礼詩・西 弘嗣,1999,中蝦夷地変の再検討と北海道の白亜紀テクトニクス.地質学雑誌, 105巻,p. 711-728.
  41. 佐野晋一・高嶋礼詩,1999,崕山の石灰岩が教えてくれること.芦別市星の降る里百年記念館年報,6巻,p. 15-22.
  42. 星 博幸・高嶋礼詩,1998,北海道中央部,富良野地域の空知層群火山岩に対する古地磁気解析.三笠市立博物館紀要,3号,p. 23-30.
  43. 高嶋礼詩・西 弘嗣・斎藤常正・長谷川 卓,1997,北海道シューパロ川流域に分布する白亜系の地質と浮遊性有孔虫化石層序.地質学雑誌,103巻,p. 543-563.
  44. 高嶋礼詩・鈴木紀毅・小池敏夫・斎藤常正,1997,北海道双珠別地域における下部・中部蝦夷層群境界の不整合の再検討とその地史的意義—中蝦夷地変の再検討—.地質学雑誌,103巻,p. 489-492.